Friday, May 18, 2007

McCain Cheney's Cornyn

>>> F**K YOU!!! >>>

Your Texas State Congress

Pit the teachers vs. the poor, two groups they obviously don't represent.

The Attorney General's Bedside Manner... or i never thought i'd feel bad for Ashcroft

I've been reading Mr. Greenwald and he is unbad...

"There is just no excuse left for allowing the administration to keep this behavior concealed from the country. What James Comey described on Tuesday is the behavior of a government completely unmoored from any constraints of law, operating only by the rules of thuggery, intimidation, and pure lawlessness. Even for the most establishment-defending organs, there are now indisputably clear facts suggesting that the scope and breadth and brazenness of the lawbreaking here is far beyond even what was known previously, and it occurred at the highest levels of the Bush administration."

On the Topic of Edwards $400.00 Haircuts

Ok so I find that 400 bucks is a little too much for ONE haircut, I still like Edwards. I just think that if you take into consideration the guy with the stripped shirt will spend a tenth of that on haircuts his entire life... not only that but he will not comb it, then between the two they average out to normal hair maintenance.

So why am I posting this? Because I took that picture, and having seen these two extreme opposites in hair care, I thought it would bring context to the Edwards Hair Scandal.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This I Want To Go To

At the Botanical Gardens, its free, I just hope its not too hot.

The Taming of the Shrew... sounds like there's nagging involved.

UT-AUSTIN Professor Makes The Onion

The Onion

Professor Sees Parallels Between Things, Other Things

AUSTIN, TX—University of Texas professor Thom Windham once again furthered the cause of human inquiry in a class lecture Monday, as he...

Monday, May 14, 2007

What Does It Mean That Texas Has A Budget Surplus?

I really want to know. Why do we need toll roads if we have a surplus? Who chooses what to do with it?