Osvaldo Romo was the human vise that Pinochet used to brake the people of Chile. Here Osvaldo Torres remembers the now dead Osvaldo Romo, the primate that took his fellow Chileans and tortured them. Below is the link to the complete article and an attempt by me to translate the first 2 paragraphs.
Osvaldo Romo interrumpió en mi vida apuntándome con una metralleta AKA, la madrugada del 30 de enero de 1975. Sin orden de detención un comando de la DINA me arrestó junto a mi compañera Nubia Becker, mi amigo y dirigente socialista Eduardo Charme y Marcela Bravo. Dejaron aterrados a los dueños de casa y al hijo de Nubia, Hernán A. Jaramillo de sólo 4 años.
En Villa Grimaldi Romo se hizo cargo personalmente de torturarme junto a Krasnoff, el Teniente Pablo, el Troglo y toda esa fauna de funcionarios del Estado que cumplían con sus obligaciones. No fui el único, ni el más torturado por esos equipos; tuve la suerte de salir vivo.
Osvaldo Romo burst in into my life pointing an AKA machine gun, the dawn of the 30th of January of 1975. Without a detention order a commando of the DINA arrested me, my compañera Nubia Becker, my friend and socialist Eduardo Charme, and Marcela Bravo. They left terrified the owners of the house and the son of Nubia, Hernán A. Jaramillo of only 4 years.
In Villa Grimaldi Romo made sure to personally torture me next to Krasnoff, the Lieutenant Pablo, Troglo and all the fauna of civil employees of the State who only performed their duties. I was not the only one, nor the most tortured by that team; I had the luck to leave alive.
I do not like to think of people that I love having gone through such unfathomable terror. I do know that I am shamed by our potential for such inhumanity. That shame and the knowledge that torture lives is part of what drives me to get involved in, and keep an eye on our government that is still supposed to be ruled by us the people.
Additional reading here, and here.